Steven Efler Immobilien GmbH
Erlenstegenstraße 113
90491 Nürnberg
P +49 (0)911 / 95 66 95 11
F +49 (0)911 / 95 66 95 12
USt.-Id.-Nr.: DE276/114/150
Amtsgericht Nürnberg
Registernummer: HRB 27260
Save yourself the frustration and hassle of searching for the right office and practice space and come directly to Steven Efler Immobilien. We are your specialists for commercial real estate in Nuremberg, Fürth, Erlangen and the surrounding area.
Why are we among the experts for commercial real estate in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region? Along with other things, it’s because we offer a very large selection of office and practice space. With us, you are sure to find a property that meets your specifications. We take the right location, the appropriate area, layout and equipment into account in conjunction with the price-performance ratio.
If we cannot provide the ideal commercial property for your agency, your law firm, your company or your practice in our property portfolio, we will search and find the right property for you. Thanks to our many years of in-depth experience, we are very familiar with various industries and know exactly what requirements the right commercial property should meet in each case. This applies, for example, to medical practices and their technical requirements or certain legal requirements. Because we have this expertise, we can suggest suitable properties for medical practice premises in a targeted manner during the selection process – saving you a lot of time in the search.
Are you looking for practice rooms that you can rent at short notice or a large office complex that you would like to purchase? We will not only find the right commercial property in the best location for you, but we will also help you in all the situations related to moving into the new office or practice space.
As a prospective buyer, you will benefit from our good contacts to financing advisors, who will support you in financing the purchase of the commercial property. In this way, we save you a lot of time and effort in your search for a financing service provider who can advise on the best possible financing concepts.
In addition, we are happy to establish contacts with reliable service providers such as craftsmen or architects for all our interested parties. Simply talk to us about your real estate projects and we will be happy to provide you with reliable support in implementing them.